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Selfless senior puts service first

Some want riches. Some want power. Some want glory. Senior communication studies major Kelsey Gower just wants to help others.

Kelsey, of Columbus, Ind., thought Manchester was a good fit for her, but she wasn’t sure until she got here. “After coming to Manchester and getting involved,” she says, “I realized it was one of the best decisions of my life.” Without the scholarships and financial aid I’ve received,” she adds, “it would have been a struggle for me to come to Manchester.”

Kelsey is taking advantage of all that Manchester offers.

Michelle Calka, assistant professor of communication studies, calls Kelsey “the most service-minded student I know.”

Kelsey has worked for the Center for Service Opportunities since her first year, most recently as the director of the Office of Volunteer Services. She also is president of Manchester’s Circle K Club, and is the organization’s Indiana district governor. “Service is a big part of my life,” reflects Kelsey, “Circle K not only helped me volunteer and give back to others, it also taught me how to be a leader.”

How big of a role does service play in Kelsey’s life?

“I hope to have a career in the volunteer and nonprofit sector after graduation,” she says.

Opportunities to help others are abundant at Manchester. Kelsey says that she has been lucky to travel the world, learn, grow, and help others. “This would not have been possible without the opportunities that Manchester has to offer,” she adds.

After nearly four years at Manchester, Kelsey knows well the University Mission.
In fact, she personifies it. “I truly believe,” she says, “that I have learned the meaning of becoming an individual of ability and conviction.”

By Ben Ogden ’12

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